Testing Hashicorp Nomad

Published on 27 Feb 2022

I tested Nomad on Windows PC using Vagrant (VirtualBox backend, running Fedora 34). In this small single-node test setup, Nomad is used to orchestrate service containers, Consul for service discovery, and Traefik for reverse-proxy. Consul and Nomad are run from single binaries installed at /usr/local/bin, while Traefik was run from Nomad.

In a production environment, single-node deployment is not appropriate.

Table of Content:


Milan Aleksic shared his write-up, Using Ansible & Nomad for a homelab (part 1). I have known and tried Ansible in the past, but Nomad piqued my interest. After some Google searching, I learned that it is an alternative to Kubernetes (k8s), fortunately with less steep learning curve. On the same day, I decided to give it a try on my Windows PC laptop.

I relied mostly on Tom Bamford’s Nomad/Consul/HAProxy tutorial, Introduction to HashiCorp Nomad, with some changes here and there.

Vagrant with VirtualBox

Download and install Vagrant. To run a Fedora box:

vagrant init bento/fedora-34
vagrant up

A new Vagrantfile will be created in the current directory after issuing vagrant init command. Once ready, ssh into this new Vagrant box.

vagrant ssh

Once inside, some housekeeping, and then installing nomad by downloading its official binary. Note that the default user is vagrant.

$ sudo dnf upgrade
$ sudo dnf install htop git unzip

For managing images downloaded by Vagrant on the host machine.

vagrant box list
vagrant box remove <box-name>

Note: I first tried using fedora/35-cloud-base --box-version 35.20211026.0 image. However, I could not use dnf; either get killed or I got kicked out from the SSH.

Installing Nomad

Download the official binary and install it.

$ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/nomad/1.2.6/nomad_1.2.6_linux_amd64.zip
$ unzip nomad_*
$ sudo mv nomad /usr/local/bin

Run nomad with:

$ sudo nomad agent -dev

The -dev flag tells nomad to run both as server and client on current node. This is not recommended for a production environment. However, it binds to localhost at port 4646, so we cannot access it from the host. There are two options here: run the Vagrant in bridged, public, or port-forward. I chose public network, only because it is simpler that way. Exit the Vagrant box and modify the Vagrantfile to add the following lines within the config block to use the public network method.

  config.vm.network "public_network"

The "public_network" allows the VM to get its own IP from the main router. Then, run vagrant reload to apply the change. Log into the system again via ssh and check IP with ip a command. There should be two adapters, e.g. eth0 and eth1. In my case, eth1 adapter is connected directly to my wireless router.

$ sudo nomad agent -dev -bind -log-level WARN

With -bind flag, nomad runs on all interfaces. With -log-level WARN flag, I am reducing clutter to the stdout.

Installing Consul

Download the official binary and install it.

$ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/1.11.3/consul_1.11.3_linux_amd64.zip
$ unzip consul-*
$ sudo mv consul /usr/local/bin

Run consul:

$ consul agent -dev -client -log-level WARN

By default, consul recognizes nomad and shows both nomad-client and nomad available on the system.

Installing Docker

To orchestrate (docker) containers, docker must first be installed and its daemon must be run.

$ sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core 
$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo
$ sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
$ sudo systemctl enable --now docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Also, install podman as well:

$ sudo dnf install -y podman

Note that once docker daemon started running, nomad should be able to pick it up. However for podman, a driver for nomad has to be installed first (not covered here).

Example Using Redis

Making sure Nomad and Consul are working. For this testing purposes, I submitted jobs directly using the Jobs web interface instead of writing .hcl Nomad job spec.

job "redis" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "cache" {
	count = 2
	network {
      port "db" {
        to = 6379

   service {
	   name = "redis"
	   tags = ["cache", "db"]

    task "redis" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "redis:3.2"

        ports = ["db"]

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 256

Nomad integrates nicely with Consul. The service stanza allows Consul to pick it up.

Load-Balancing Example with Traefik

The demo application, printing its own address with port upon access. Here, 2 instances are used to demonstrate.

job "demo-webapp" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "demo" {
    count = 2

    network {
      port  "http"{
        to = -1

    service {
      name = "demo-webapp"
      port = "http"

      tags = [

      check {
        type     = "http"
        path     = "/"
        interval = "2s"
        timeout  = "2s"

    task "server" {
      env {
        PORT    = "${NOMAD_PORT_http}"
        NODE_IP = "${NOMAD_IP_http}"

      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "hashicorp/demo-webapp-lb-guide"
        ports = ["http"]
      resources {
        memory = 150

Under the service stanza, there is tags field. Consul will pick this up, and since Traefik is listening to Consul, Traefik will pick it up and apply the router as defined here:


… which means Traefik will serve the app at <ip>:<port>/myapp, where in this case it will be <ip>:8080/myapp.

For Traefik

job "traefik" {
  region      = "global"
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "traefik" {
    count = 1

    network {
      port "http" {
        static = 8080

      port "api" {
        static = 8081

    service {
      name = "traefik"

      check {
        name     = "alive"
        type     = "tcp"
        port     = "http"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout  = "2s"

    task "traefik" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image        = "traefik:v2.2"
        network_mode = "host"

        volumes = [

      template {
        data = <<EOF
    address = ":8080"
    address = ":8081"

    dashboard = true
    insecure  = true

# Enable Consul Catalog configuration backend.
    prefix           = "traefik"
    exposedByDefault = false

      address = ""
      scheme  = "http"

        destination = "local/traefik.toml"

      resources {
        cpu    = 100
        memory = 128

Go to <ip-address>/myapp to try, refresh to see the port changes.